Monday, August 6, 2012

Well why not...

       So, I figured at first that the beginning for that short story would be my last post for the say but... Nah! I don't like seeing how empty my blog looks so i guess i throw a little piece from the prologue of my book. sorry about overwhelming you with prologues but a stories got to start somewhere right?

Aconia stood hands leaning upon the railing, gazing off the stern of the vessel heading west as the first fires started in the city. It would burn tonight, she knew that. It was solely because of her actions that it would burn, but that didn’t bother her. The Order did not question jobs, they performed them. There she was as she left the nation of Carval to it’s fate. Yet another king dead at her hands, nobles squabbling over a throne she must have promised each a dozen times over, and two hundred thousand soldiers of the grand legion marching in secret toward the capitol. When they arrived whatever forces would have defended those high iron walls would be too busy trying to seize the palace, and just like that the Sayin Empire would claim it’s final victim in the east. Six separate nations had been absorbed into the Empire. She had facilitated this war, the whole Order had, it gave her no sense of pride, nor feeling of sorrow, a job was a job, and she obeyed. Apparently, Aurelius Taius was done with his conquest for now, but Aconia found herself with dangerous new orders. There were two targets, one a man, a more potentially fatal opponent than any she could imagine, and another of which she regrettably knew nothing. A lacking she meant to remedy quickly. Aurelius Taius had loaned The Order’s services to another, whom she did not know, but yet again it was of no consequence.

“My lady, ehm”,  she turned, she had heard the stout oily back bearded captain approaching. His footsteps had been loud on the hard shalf wood deck, his face did not hide the apprehension in his coal colored eyes well. He knew who she was, how peculiar... she thought. Has my description made it’s way so far? It had become increasingly usual for her to be recognized now when she wore this face. It was in a way her face, just as the face she was born with was, yet it was different. The Order held secrets only a few knew. “Your quarters, they be prepared my lady”, Finished the captain his thick Cavalish accent over enunciating each word.

“Thank you Gleb”, she nodded slightly in thanks, “You have served well.” He was a loyal Order member. Not one of her stature, he was a merchant by trade, but when The Order required he would smuggle anything they needed transported. Even the assassin that destroyed his homeland, she thought wryly. Of course he wouldn’t know for sure, but still she only could assume. With her infamy in the Order, and the smoke beginning to rise from the city, that he put the pieces together. Tired from the work of the day she decided to retire to her quarters aboard the vessel. She bid Gleb a good night and made her way towards her quarters, dark times were coming. She knew that her new orders would cause chaos and instability across all Cantra. My body will be the flint, my blade the steel, and together they shall create the spark to ignite the flame that will consume this world in chaos.

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